The family business Ebus Planten in Venlo offers everything in the field of plants for the professional reseller in its cash & carry of over 9.000 m2: green and flowering indoor plants, garden and pot plants, annual and perennial plants, plant arrangements and hydroculture. Its cash & carry also has products from its own nursery on offer, ranging from azalea’s to phalaenopsis, bedding plants, summer flowers and so on.
Ebus is about to experience the first generational change within the family business, which was founded by father and son in 1975. A transfer that requires the new generation to be well-prepared and in the right position. One that ensures that Ebus and its 35 employees continue to head into a futureproof direction.
Since the fall of 2016 I’ve been supporting the two-year preliminary phase of the succession of the family business. The new generation is being prepared for the future by an intensive on-the-job development programme. We started with an assessment highlighting the strengths and development areas to draw up a clear development plan. In individual sessions we discuss situations encountered as a people manager and the development of the specific role within the organisation. We develop the future strategy in an interactive way involving all colleagues. This includes determining the core values of Ebus, so everyone can work in a way to live the strategy on a day-to-day basis.
Funs Ebus, successor and manager Ebus Planten.
“Lisette guides the complex process of the company succession within our forty-year-old family business. She does this in a very personal and professional way with a clear focus on me as an individual. Theoretical knowledge is effortlessly combined with her business experience and as a result she is able to give me practical tools for the execution.“
Herungerweg 177
5913 HA Venlo
+31 6 5093 1124
“Make change more human.”